The other day, I was reflecting on how tumultuous politics feels right now (and, in fact, has for the last decade or so.) My reflections led me to make this flow chart on how to handle politics. If you are anything like me, politics regularly feels really upsetting. Sometimes we feel like we have to… Continue reading A Flow Chart for Dealing with Politics
Allan Lichtman on How to Predict Presidential Elections
I want to tell you about an interesting man name Allan Lichtman who has an impressive knack for predicting elections. But first, let me tell you who I am writing this post for. And I will do that by telling you who I am not writing it for. I am not writing this post for… Continue reading Allan Lichtman on How to Predict Presidential Elections
Coneflowers and Goldfinches: A Whimsical Watercolor
Coneflowers and goldfinches: They have been bringing me a lot of happiness this summer. We have a rain garden in our front yard, which my husband planted a couple of years ago. And it has been in full bloom this summer. All photos in the post are by Shelly P. Johnson. It has a lot… Continue reading Coneflowers and Goldfinches: A Whimsical Watercolor
How to Fail Your Way to Success
Lately I have been thinking about how it is actually possible to fail your way to success. I used to view failure as a liability, but I am starting to view it as a strength. Here's why. It seems that it's actually possible to fail our way to success. Sometimes we feel like failures indicate… Continue reading How to Fail Your Way to Success
Today I Refuse: A Poem
Today I refuse to believe . . . That our differences destroy us, That conspiracy is our destiny, Or that transcendence is gone, And that dialogue is dead, That vindictiveness is King, Or that creativity is poisoned, And that solutions are passe, That Bitterness is our name. Or that it’s us or them, And that… Continue reading Today I Refuse: A Poem
Why I am a Christian but Not a Christian Nationalist
I want to write about why I am a Christian but not a Christian nationalist. First, I want to beg pardon of all my non-Christian and non-religious readers. This blog post will certainly have a lot of Christianity and spirituality in it. I still hope you find something valuable in the post. So, let me… Continue reading Why I am a Christian but Not a Christian Nationalist
Are We Perfect Just the Way We are?
Are we perfect just the way we are? If you are anything like me, you will occasionally read a meme on social media or hear a song that communicates that all of us are perfect just the way we are. And if you are also anything like me, you may have rolled your eyes in… Continue reading Are We Perfect Just the Way We are?
Friedrich Schiller on Why Play Makes Us Whole
Can play make us whole? Friedrich Schiller thought so. Schiller wrote the book On the Aesthetic Education of Man in the 1700s. And his argument is that play makes us whole as humans. This is perhaps an unusual claim, but his ideas are surprisingly relevant to us today. Here’s a bit of context on Schiller’s… Continue reading Friedrich Schiller on Why Play Makes Us Whole
Monday Encouragement: If You Struggle with Self-Worth
Dear Friend: Do you find yourself struggling with your sense of self-worth today? You might have had a rough weekend, or you might be generally going through a hard time. You might feel like a failure, or like you are stuck. And you might be really struggling with a sense of your overall worth. I… Continue reading Monday Encouragement: If You Struggle with Self-Worth
Silver Hair as a Spiritual Practice
About four years ago, I let my hair go silver, and I have come to view this process as a spiritual practice. This may sound like an odd claim, so let me give you some context. Two summers in graduate school, I had the privilege of teaching Asian philosophy. And one of the books we… Continue reading Silver Hair as a Spiritual Practice