Strengthening Your Spirit, Whimsical Watercolors

A Watercolor Meditation for When You Feel Afraid: Whimsical Watercolors

I have been feeling afraid. Maybe you have, too.

With all that is going on , it is easy to be afraid.

When I am afraid, it is easy to forget what I know about Love. Here is what I know:

One: There is a lot of darkness in the world, but Love is original. It is stronger and underneath everything, and no matter how bad things get, it is always working its way up into the world.

Two: When we remember Love, we create the space to work with Love in healing ourselves, each other, and the planet.

Three: Because of this, we are all magic. We all have the ability to be conduits and participants in Love.

Four: Love has the final word.

This week and this morning, I painted and meditated on love, and it helped me center myself. I wanted to share my paintings with you, in case they help you, too.

When things seem hopeless, please know that Love is working it’s way to the surface.

You are not alone, and your dreams matter.

I know it’s hard sometimes, but whenever you turn from fear towards love, you are headed in a wonderful direction.

Here are some ways to do that.

And when you turn from fear to love, you find other people doing the same.

And you change the world for the better in small and large ways.

You are so special.


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