About Shelly

About Shelly P. Johnson:

Hello Friend! Welcome to my blog and website. Here is a little bit about me.

I’m a Philosopher

I have a PhD in philosophy and an MEd in educational leadership.  My specialty areas are ethics, critical thinking, political philosophy, and philosophy of education. I also do a lot of research on the philosophy of play.


I’m an Educator

I teach a variety of classes at a local college including ethics.

I’m an Author . . . 

I am the author of three logic and critical thinking textbooks, which are published by Classical Academic Press: Argument Builder, Discovery of Deduction (co-author), and Everyday Debate. You can read more about this here.

And an Artist . . .

Most of the artwork on my blog is my own.

I think art is one of the ways we share love with the world, and it often also helps us better understand the concepts we are trying to communicate.

Happy Wife, Cat Mom, and Forest Adventurer

My husband John and I have an adorable cat:

Jackson Lebowski (Jax).

We spend a lot of time in the forest. (Well, John and I do. Jax stays home.)

Where’s Shelly?

You can follow me on FB here.

Or you can follow me on Instagram here.

And you can also reach me at at shellypruittjohnson@gmail.com.

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