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Affirmations When You Feel Politically Overwhelmed

Most of us feel overwhelmed by politics sometimes. Here are ten affirmations you can use when you feel that way.

One: I take politics and democratic engagement one day at a time.

You aren’t required to solve all the problems of the world today. So take it one day at a time.

You will figure out something good to do today, tomorrow, and the next day. And that will make the world a better place.

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Two: I recognize that building a democracy is a process. I take wise, constructive steps down the path of democratic engagement.

Our country has weathered high points and low points its entire existence.

And one of the things that has helped us get through the low points is people who realize that creating a strong country is an ongoing process.

Folks like this keep taking constructive steps day after day, and it makes a difference.

You might like reading about some folks doing that sort of thing right now: The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear

Three: My most important political responsibility is being kind, compassionate, and respectful to myself.

The thing that bring the biggest change to our political and social lives together is treating each other with kindness, compassion, and respect.

And in order to do that, we must first treat ourselves with kindness, compassion, and respect.

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Four: I know that when I treat myself with kindness, compassion, and respect, I create the perfect internal conditions to act wisely and constructively.

What we need politically is more wisdom and constructive solutions.

When we treat ourselves with kindness, compassion, and respect, we create the perfect condition to receive these good gifts.

Five: I practice healthy political boundaries.

Engaging well in politics takes a lot of inner strength and resilience.

We build such character traits through establishing strong boundaries that permit us to care for ourselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

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Six: I stay informed in a balanced and peaceful way. I focus on concrete ways I can help our country, and I trust the rest to be taken care of.

It is not the job of any one person to save politics or rescue the country they live in. All we are required is to do our part.

And our part is staying informed of things going on in our country, as we are emotionally and physically able.

Then based on that information, we can take concrete steps, as we are able, to make hopeful changes in our corner of the world.

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Seven: I act politically from reasonable expectations and loving intentions.

Miracles do happen sometimes.

But life more commonly operates from small changes that occur from the actions of people acting from love for themselves and others.

So being reasonable and loving is always good.

Reasonableness allows us to recognize the limits of our humanity and the humanity of others.

Love allows us to treat ourselves and each other, even people we don’t like, with kindness, compassion, and respect.

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Eight: I recognize that I have the responsibility to engage productively in our democracy, and I realize it is not my sole responsibility.

And I act responsibly and realistically.

You can make a positive difference, and that is your purpose. And it is not your job to save the world. Act with both of those thoughts in mind.

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Nine: I choose mindfully where and when I engage in politics. I protect my mental, emotional, and physical health and take a break when I need to.

There is a time for everything. For example, there is a time to practice politics and a time not to.

And there is a time to engage and a time to take a break. You are the boss of you and get to decide on those times.

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Ten: I observe the news  intentionally and mindfully and take periodic news vacations.

It’s helpful to stay informed.

But it is not helpful to constantly view new that stresses you out, plunges you into despair, and destroys your ability to take constructive action.

So, view news in a way that allows you to maintain emotional equilibrium; to have hope; and to formulate constructive steps for acting on these positive states of mind.

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Do you need some more hope today? You might like to take this introductory course with me: The Four Basic Truths


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12 thoughts on “Affirmations When You Feel Politically Overwhelmed”

  1. I love your beautiful drawings Shelly. These are very wise affirmations which will stand us in good stead for the next couple of weeks, I am sure.

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