How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Socrates on What People Misunderstand about Goodness

People often misunderstand something about goodness. In Plato’s Republic, Plato portrays Socrates discussing goodness with some of his friends and acquaintances. The word for goodness in the Republic is dikaisoune (δικαισύνη). Now, the English language doesn’t have an exact translation for the word dikaisoune. In the Greek it means something like all of these ideas… Continue reading Socrates on What People Misunderstand about Goodness

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Socrates on What People Misunderstand about Goodness

What do people misunderstand about goodness? Something very important, it turns out. In Plato’s Republic, Plato portrays Socrates discussing goodness with some of his friends and acquaintances. Now it is important to know that the word for goodness in the Republic is dikaisoune (δικαισύνη). And English doesn’t have an exact translation for the word dikaisoune… Continue reading Socrates on What People Misunderstand about Goodness

Enchantment, Called to Adventure

Ash Perrin on Why Your Imagination Matters

Your imagination matters! Even if you are adult. To explain why, let me tell you about a professional playologist named Ash Perrin. Ash Perrin started a group called The Flying Seagull Project.  This project is a group of jugglers, clowns and entertainers. They take play into the most surprising places, like children’s hospitals and refugee… Continue reading Ash Perrin on Why Your Imagination Matters

Play and Capability

Why Play is Important for Adults, according to Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi

Play is just as important for adults as it is for kids. Does that claim strike you as strange? It strikes a lot of folks this way. After all, many of us feel like play is the domain of little kids. But a lot of us feel that when we get older, we must leave… Continue reading Why Play is Important for Adults, according to Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Aristotle on Unvirtuous Honesty

Can honesty ever be unvirtuous? I think initially many of us would say “no”. After all, many of us feel understandably that honesty is the best policy, as the saying goes. However, recently, I have become concerned about a troubling trend that I will call unvirtuous honesty. To explain what unvirtuous honesty is, it may… Continue reading Aristotle on Unvirtuous Honesty