Whimsical Watercolors

Bumblebee Asleep on a Flower: a Whimsical Watercolor

The other day, I found a bumblebee asleep on a flower.

At the beginning of the school year, I had a lot of flowers in bloom in my garden. So, I decided to take some to school to have on my desk in my office.

So, I went outside in the morning to cut some sunflowers and coneflowers, and I discovered a surprise: some bumblebees were asleep inĀ  my sunflowers.

I researched it and discovered that bumblebees sleep in flowers a lot.

And it makes sense–they combine their food source, shelter from the elements, and cozy place to rest for a while.

If I could sleep in a flower, I would, too.

This new fact I discovered was delightful, and it inspired this painting.

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