I have been walking 10,000+ steps a day for two and a half years, and it is one of the best things in my life. It is, in fact, one of the best gifts I have ever given myself. So, I like to write periodically about my walking and the benefits it brings. You can… Continue reading Walking 10,000 Steps a Day for 2 and ½ Years
Category: Body Partnership
10,000 Steps a Day for Two Years
I have been walking 10,000 steps a day for two years, and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. So, although I am writing a little less frequently on my blog in order to finish some blog-related projects right now (see this post about it), it seemed appropriate to write to… Continue reading 10,000 Steps a Day for Two Years
Lessons from Walking 10,000 Steps a Day in 2021
Last December, I read a challenge online about walking 10,000 steps a day. I got really jazzed about this idea. The next day, I started trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. (This is about 4 miles for me). This is a picture from one of my first walks in 2021. It took me a… Continue reading Lessons from Walking 10,000 Steps a Day in 2021
Yesterday I Ran Further Than I Have Ever Run Before
Yesterday I ran further than I have ever run before, which is what I want to write about in this post. But believe it or not, this post is about you, even if you hate running and never want to run. I'll explain that in just a bit, but first let me tell you a… Continue reading Yesterday I Ran Further Than I Have Ever Run Before
Playful Running: For Runners and Non-Runners
I invented something called Playful Running today. But to be honest, I think I rediscovered rather than invented Playful Running because it is something I think we actually all know about. And, believe it or not, whether you are a runner or not, I think Playful Running has a lot to do with you and… Continue reading Playful Running: For Runners and Non-Runners
How I Accidentally Became a Runner
This morning I became a runner. What I mean is that I surprised myself by running a mile without stopping at our local park. And it was a true moment of joy. To be honest, this feels like a small miracle to me. Here's my park I went running at this morning. It's by a… Continue reading How I Accidentally Became a Runner
I’m Still Walking
Back in December, I started walking 10,000 steps a day, and I'm still walking. (You can read more about how I started walking here.) I’m still walking 10,000 steps a day (and more some days), and it has really changed the way I look at exercise. While I have been a fairly active person all… Continue reading I’m Still Walking
How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters
I tricked myself with picture filters the other day and caused myself a lot of anxiety in the process. The story is partly funny and partly embarrassing. And it also reminded me of some important lessons pertaining to social media. So here is how I tricked myself. Several months ago, I was taking selfies to… Continue reading How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters
10,000 Steps a Day for Three and a Half Months
I’ve been walking 10,000 steps a day for the last three and a half months, and it has brought more benefits to my life than I could have ever imagined. The Benefits of Walking Walking itself is a powerhouse movement that brings people all sorts of physical and mental benefits. Regular walkers have lower risk… Continue reading 10,000 Steps a Day for Three and a Half Months
Paraplegia, Pandemics, and Play
I have recently learned some important lessons from my mom about paraplegia and play during the pandemic. If you have been following my blog for a while, you might remember a post I wrote about my mom that was about paraplegia and swimming. You can read that post here. My mom is a paraplegic and… Continue reading Paraplegia, Pandemics, and Play