Enchantment, Called to Adventure

Ash Perrin on Why Your Imagination Matters

Your imagination matters! Even if you are adult. To explain why, let me tell you about a professional playologist named Ash Perrin. Ash Perrin started a group called The Flying Seagull Project.  This project is a group of jugglers, clowns and entertainers. They take play into the most surprising places, like children’s hospitals and refugee… Continue reading Ash Perrin on Why Your Imagination Matters

Play and Capability, Enchantment, Whimsy and Delight

Embracing a Playful Life: An Interview with Paige Hankla

What if all of us could live a more playful life? I believe we can. This week I got to interview my friend Paige. I met Paige years ago and knew instantly I wanted to get to know her better. She has mastered the art of embracing a playful life. Paige is the mastermind and… Continue reading Embracing a Playful Life: An Interview with Paige Hankla

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, Enchantment, How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, The Power of Kindness

Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

This post explores whether the common saying "Follow Your Heart" is good advice. Here are some common sayings you might have heard: Follow your heart. If it feels good, do it. Your heart will tell you what to do. Is This Advice Good? Now, if you are like most people in the world, you can… Continue reading Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

Enchantment, Practicting Non-Dualism, Spirituality and Religion

Are Humans Good or Evil by Nature?

Are humans good or evil by nature? First, a Bit of Background At the small liberal arts college where I teach, I teach an introductory course called Foundations. It is a class that teaches freshmen the basics of reading, writing, and critical thinking, but it is also a lot more than that. The class focuses… Continue reading Are Humans Good or Evil by Nature?

Enchantment, The Power of Kindness

Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

I believe in the power of self-love, but I also believe that self-love is quite different from how many people think of it. People often think that self-love is going on shopping trips, getting manis and pedis, and treating one's self to chocolate and other delectable delights. And certainly these things can play a role… Continue reading Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

Purpose and Passion, Enchantment

How to Use Your Imagination Like a Boss

This post is about how you can use your imagination like a boss to change your life and the world. First. let's play a game I call "Have You Ever?" Have You Ever…. Have you ever freaked yourself out in a dark room by imagining all of the scary monster, zombies, and bad guys reaching… Continue reading How to Use Your Imagination Like a Boss

Purpose and Passion, Enchantment

How to Find Your Purpose

Purpose is important. When we have a purpose, we feel like our life is meaningful, that we matter, and that we contribute something good to the world. Nevertheless, it can sometimes feel a little tricky to find our purpose. We don't necessarily receive a lot of instruction in life on how to find it, and… Continue reading How to Find Your Purpose