Working With Painful Emotions, Dealing with Low Self-Worth

The Buddha on Our Thoughts, Anxiety, and Suffering

I think about suffering a lot. It may sound morbid to think about suffering frequently. But some sadness, painful emotions, and general suffering is a normal part of life. So, thinking about suffering and how to deal with it effectively is a survival skill. The Buddha certainly thought so. The Buddha was a prince who… Continue reading The Buddha on Our Thoughts, Anxiety, and Suffering

Working With Painful Emotions, Intrinsic Worth

Why We Often Feel Bad About Ourselves

We often feel bad about ourselves. As a result, we often engage in painful habits and thought patterns connected with these negative feelings. For example, how often do you find yourself doing some or all the following things? Worrying about other people’s approval. Comparing yourself to other people. Trying to accomplish amazing things to earn… Continue reading Why We Often Feel Bad About Ourselves

Working With Painful Emotions, What is Just?

Existentialism, Cynicism, and World Anxiety

Lately, I have been thinking about existentialism, cynicism, and World Anxiety. If you are anything like me, you probably often feel World Anxiety. World Anxiety feels  differently to different people, but mine is the feeling that the word is both a beautiful and terrifying place. And it is the feeling that politics and the state… Continue reading Existentialism, Cynicism, and World Anxiety

Working With Painful Emotions, Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness

Stories We Tell Ourselves and Why They Matter

Every day we tell ourselves stories about our own self and our life. And these stories matter greatly. They greatly affect our mood, our view of ourselves, and our ability to see life clearly. Let me give you an example from my own life. I have a diastema, which is a fancy name for a… Continue reading Stories We Tell Ourselves and Why They Matter

Working With Painful Emotions, Connected

Dealing with Our Dark Side

Several posts ago, I wrote about cultivating Flourish-Friendly Relationships instead of Control Relationships. You can read more about this here. In this post, I will write about dealing with our dark side. But first, let's review what Flourish-Friendly and Control Relationships are. Flourish-Friendly Relationships are ones in which the people involved create a space together… Continue reading Dealing with Our Dark Side

Working With Painful Emotions, Whimsy and Delight, Uncategorized

How to Use Your Imagination Like a Boss

This post is about how you can use your imagination like a boss to change your life and the world. First. let's play a game I call "Have You Ever?" Have You Ever…. Have you ever freaked yourself out in a dark room by imagining all of the scary monster, zombies, and bad guys reaching… Continue reading How to Use Your Imagination Like a Boss

Working With Painful Emotions, Self-compassion, Body Partnership, Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness, Uncategorized

The Pain of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Unrealistic beauty standards cause so many people so much pain. In the last decade, I have stopped chasing them, and I am happier and more resilient because of it. I was originally going to title this post “How I Gained Weight and Went Grey, and I am Happier and More Resilient than Ever.” And I… Continue reading The Pain of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Self-compassion, Working With Painful Emotions, Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness

Care Package #3 for Stressful Times

This care package is about a self-regulation technique called "Taking Your Emotional Temperature" and how it can help us manage stressful times. (You can find links to related posts down below.) A simple way to take your emotional temperature is to stop once or twice (or however many) times a day and ask yourself, "How… Continue reading Care Package #3 for Stressful Times

Working With Painful Emotions, Self-compassion, Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness, Spirituality

Care Package #2 for Stressful Times

Dear All: The Coronavirus situation can bring up a lot of painful feelings. This care package is about dealing with painful feelings in times like this. ***** If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on social media. If you enjoyed the post above, you might also like this post: An Anxiety Care Package for… Continue reading Care Package #2 for Stressful Times