Whimsy and Delight, The Power of Compassion

About Christmas Stress and Miracles

Christmas can be full of miracles. But Christmas can also be full of stress. Both of these are a part of my Christmas experience. First, I want to talk about Christmas stress. I was really lucky that growing up, I had lovely Christmases. My mom loves to decorate for Christmas, and she and Dad always… Continue reading About Christmas Stress and Miracles

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones, The Power of Compassion

The Buddha on Our Thoughts, Anxiety, and Suffering

I think about suffering a lot. It may sound morbid to think about suffering frequently. But some sadness, painful emotions, and general suffering is a normal part of life. So, thinking about suffering and how to deal with it effectively is a survival skill. The Buddha certainly thought so. The Buddha was a prince who… Continue reading The Buddha on Our Thoughts, Anxiety, and Suffering

The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Do We Have a True Self and False Self?

I once heard someone talk about our True Self and a false self. And I sensed that they were talking about something important. But I didn’t completely understand the concept at the time. Recently I was reading some of the work of psychologist and philosopher Erich Fromm. His writing can be helpful in illuminating the… Continue reading Do We Have a True Self and False Self?

Body Partnership, The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Compassion

How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters

I tricked myself with picture filters the other day and caused myself a lot of anxiety in the process. The story is partly funny and partly embarrassing. And it also reminded me of some important lessons pertaining to social media. So here is how I tricked myself. Several months ago, I was taking selfies to… Continue reading How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters

The Power of Courage, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Care Package #3 for Stressful Times

This care package is about a self-regulation technique called "Taking Your Emotional Temperature" and how it can help us manage stressful times. (You can find links to related posts down below.) A simple way to take your emotional temperature is to stop once or twice (or however many) times a day and ask yourself, "How… Continue reading Care Package #3 for Stressful Times

The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

10 Mind-Body Practices You Can Do if You Feel Anxious

Sometimes we feel unusually anxious and need to calm ourselves. I am writing during the Coronavirus, and a lot of people (including myself) are struggling with anxiety. When we face national and personal crises like the Coronavirus, it is easier for us to  feel anxious about everyone and everything in our life. These are natural… Continue reading 10 Mind-Body Practices You Can Do if You Feel Anxious

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

Do you live from the inside out or the outside in?  Okay, to be honest, that is not an entirely fair question to ask you at the beginning of this post. I coined the phrases Living from the Inside Out and Living from the Outisde In. And I haven't even told you what they mean… Continue reading Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

All Your Feelings are Permitted: A Brief Encouragement

Dear Friend, If you feel sad today, you are loved. If you feel happy today, you are loved. If you feel angry today, you are loved. If you feel joyful today, you are loved. If you feel hopeful today, you are loved. If you feel hopeless today, you are loved. If you feel connected today,… Continue reading All Your Feelings are Permitted: A Brief Encouragement