How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

How Ethics Can Help Us Be a Good Partner and Friend

If we want strong, loving relationships with partners and friends, ethics can help us. When we have a strong ethics, we adopt certain principles that aim for a higher good both for ourselves and others. And we act consistently according to these principles. Some examples of common ethical principles are the following: Act with virtues… Continue reading How Ethics Can Help Us Be a Good Partner and Friend

Play and Capability, How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Aristotle on Eutrapelia, the Virtue of Playfulness

Did you know there is actually a virtue of playfulness? It's called eutrapelia. If you are like a lot of people, you probably think of play as belonging to the arena of childhood. You might even think—and you would be right—that play is essential for healthy child development. However, if you are like a lot… Continue reading Aristotle on Eutrapelia, the Virtue of Playfulness

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

How Ethics Helps Us Avoid Toxic Behavior

The word toxic is having quite a moment on social media these days. And understandably so. The term toxic behavior, as it is used in psychological discourse, often refers to behaviors like the following: Refusing to think about how our behavior affects other people. Refusing to recognize other people’s needs and values. Consistently prioritizing our… Continue reading How Ethics Helps Us Avoid Toxic Behavior

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, How Do We Know What is Just?

Morality vs. Moralism

Morality vs. moralism: Morality and moralism are two different things, but we often confuse the two. And I understand this tendency because at one time I didn’t understand the difference between morality and moralism either. And sometimes even now, I think I understand the difference, and then I realize I don’t understand it as well… Continue reading Morality vs. Moralism

Intrinsic Worth, How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, The Power of Proper Self-Regard

Why We Doubt We are Capable, Part 2

This is the second post in a series about why we doubt we are capable. I wrote the first post in this series a few weeks ago, which you can read here: Why We Doubt We are Capable, Part 1 In that post, I discussed how the problem of exceptionalism can cause us to doubt… Continue reading Why We Doubt We are Capable, Part 2

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Clothing with a Conscience: Ethical Clothes Shopping

I want to tell you a little bit about Toad&Co, an ethical women’s clothing company I love. But first, let me tell you a little bit about how I have changed the way I buy clothes over the last decade. First, I love clothes and fashion. However, in the last decade or so, I have… Continue reading Clothing with a Conscience: Ethical Clothes Shopping

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, How Do We Know What Is True?

Should We Tolerate Everything?

Over the years, I have heard a lot of people ask this same question in various forms: Should we tolerate everything? And this is certainly an important question. One of the hallmarks of the U.S.[1], ideally, is that we tolerate diversity of ideas.[2] Because of this, we have a long-standing tradition of tolerating a variety… Continue reading Should We Tolerate Everything?

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, Enchantment, The Power of Kindness, The Power of Proper Self-Regard

Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

This post explores whether the common saying "Follow Your Heart" is good advice. Here are some common sayings you might have heard: Follow your heart. If it feels good, do it. Your heart will tell you what to do. Is This Advice Good? Now, if you are like most people in the world, you can… Continue reading Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?

Is Your Morality Motivated by Love or Tribalism?

People can behave morally and promote morality for immoral reasons. That is an odd claim, isn't it? After all, we generally think of morality as good. And we think of moral people as good people. So how could a person be moral for bad reasons? And how would we even know if this was the… Continue reading Is Your Morality Motivated by Love or Tribalism?