How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, How Do We Know What Is True?, How Do We Know What is Just?

The Most Important Voting Value

I have been thinking this morning about the most important voting value. For the last few weeks, I have wanted to write about voting and values, but I haven’t known quite what to write about. Initially, I thought about writing about how I am trying to vote my values this election, but you probably don’t… Continue reading The Most Important Voting Value

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, How Do We Know What Is True?, How Do We Know What is Just?

A Flow Chart for Dealing with Politics

The other day, I was reflecting on how tumultuous politics feels right now (and, in fact, has for the last decade or so.) My reflections led me to make this flow chart on how to handle politics. If you are anything like me, politics regularly feels really upsetting. Sometimes we feel like we have to… Continue reading A Flow Chart for Dealing with Politics

How Do We Know What is Just?

Why Social Justice Matters for Everyone, According to a Really Cool Nun

Social justice is one of those phrases I often hear people debating in the news and in other social spaces. And what is interesting about such debates is that people tend to be unclear about what they mean by social justice. This is often true, whether folks are for it or against it. Picture by… Continue reading Why Social Justice Matters for Everyone, According to a Really Cool Nun

How Do We Act in a Good and Moral Way?, How Do We Know What Is True?, How Do We Know What is Just?

A Surprising Thing about Moral Disagreements

Moral disagreements are a common part of life. But there is something very surprising about moral disagreements that we often don’t realize. To illustrate this, allow me to present you with a thought experiment.[1] Please imagine these four people: Person #1: Jill believes X is the moral thing to do. Now, Jill truly cares about… Continue reading A Surprising Thing about Moral Disagreements

How Do We Know What is Just?

Should the United States Be a Christian Nation?

Lately in the news, I have heard various people claim that the United States should be a Christian nation. Some folks also argue that the United States was founded as a Christian nation. I will return to this point shortly. Now, I am a Christian from the Quaker Christian tradition. And sometimes when I hear… Continue reading Should the United States Be a Christian Nation?