What is True?, What is Just?

What the 80s Satanic Panic Can Teach Today

I would like to tell you a weird story about the Satanic Panic that occurred in the 80s. Believe it or not, it relates to some contemporary events. First, a sensitive content warning: This post briefly discusses rumors of satanism and pedophilia. So please be aware of that as you read. The 80s Satanic Panic… Continue reading What the 80s Satanic Panic Can Teach Today

What is True?, What is Just?

Ten Principles of Being Human

This post shares ten important principles of being human with you. It is connected with another post I wrote about how to know if we are being mistreated, which you can read here. To know if we are being mistreated, it seems like we must know a few basic principles about what it means to… Continue reading Ten Principles of Being Human

What is True?

Mad Scientists and the Ship of Theseus: Philosophy Games

Over Thanksgiving, I got to spend some time with my nephews, and I ended up having a philosophy conversation with my preteen nephew, J, about mad scientists, identity, and the ship of Theseus. I used to be a middle and high school teacher and have always loved preteens and teenagers. I find that when they… Continue reading Mad Scientists and the Ship of Theseus: Philosophy Games