This is an intention or prayer for you if you are having problems feeling worthy or like you are enough. If you are religious, you can address this prayer to God. If you are not religious, you can use it just as it is written. ***** If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on… Continue reading An Intention or Prayer for Being at Peace with Ourselves
Category: Contemplative Practices/Intentions and Prayers
Butterfly Meditating: A Contemplative Practice
Recently, I have developed a new contemplative practice I call Butterfly Meditating. I have a wildflower garden in my back yard, and when it is in full bloom, it attracts a lot of butterflies. All of the photos in this post are taken by me at home or on a walk. I get really excited… Continue reading Butterfly Meditating: A Contemplative Practice
Creating Nature Mandalas: A Contemplative Practice
Lately I have been creating nature mandalas as a contemplative practice. Circles Everywhere Mandalas are a type of circle art. Humans have been fascinated with circles all throughout history. Circles are everywhere in nature, both in the nature around us (like flowers and forests) and the nature above us (like planets and galaxies). Because of… Continue reading Creating Nature Mandalas: A Contemplative Practice
Labyrinth Walking: A Contemplative Practice
I have been building and walking labyrinths the last couple of weeks, and I love it. Spiral art, and I take labyrinths to be a type of spiral art, have long been a part of contemplative practice for both non-religious and religious people. I first started noticing spirals when I was researching art and culture… Continue reading Labyrinth Walking: A Contemplative Practice
Contemplative Practices: A Post for Everyone
One of the most loving and powerful things we can do for ourselves is develop consistent contemplative practices. The phrase contemplative practice may sounds religious or mystical to you. And it can be both of these things, but don't worry. Even if you are not religious and do not practice any faith, contemplative practices are… Continue reading Contemplative Practices: A Post for Everyone
Suffering and Prayer: A Post for Everyone
Suffering and Prayer: can they somehow lead us to hope? I believe they can, but it is not always immediately clear how. The world is full of beauty. But the world is also full of pain, violence, injustice, death and cruelty: suffering. Despite this suffering, we find ourselves longing for good things. We long for… Continue reading Suffering and Prayer: A Post for Everyone
Prayer: When We Believe and When We Don’t
I have long been fascinated by prayer. One reason for this, of course, is because prayer has been an important part of my life in one form or another since I was young. But I am also interested in prayer for another reason. Over the years, I have heard stories of people who didn’t really… Continue reading Prayer: When We Believe and When We Don’t
An Intention or Prayer for the Wounded Self
This is an intention or prayer for those times when we feel stuck in bad habits. These habits come from something I call the Wounded Self, and all of us get stuck in our Wounded Self sometimes. And when we do, we act out of fear, rage, hopelessness, and addictions because we are just trying… Continue reading An Intention or Prayer for the Wounded Self
An Intention/Prayer for Political Healing
If you are anything like me, you are often greatly trouble by the political turmoil in our country right now, as well as increasing displays of racism and prejudice. This intention/ prayer is for the purpose of bringing political healing into our own life and our country. An Intention or Prayer for the Hopeless
A Prayer for Those Who Feel Stuck
Sometimes we feel stuck in our lives, and we don't know what to do next or how to get out of the bad spot we feel we are in. If you are feeling that way today, I wrote this prayer especially for you. And if you don't believe in God or prayer, you can use… Continue reading A Prayer for Those Who Feel Stuck