The Power of Proper Self-Worth

Monday Encouragement: If You Struggle with Self-Worth

Dear Friend: Do you find yourself struggling with your sense of self-worth today? You might have had a rough weekend, or you might be generally going through a hard time. You might feel like a failure, or like you are stuck. And you might be really struggling with a sense of your overall worth. I… Continue reading Monday Encouragement: If You Struggle with Self-Worth

Intrinsic Worth, The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Kindness

Self-Love and Secure Attachment to Ourselves

You might have heard of self-love, and you might have heard of secure attachment. But you might not have heard of these terms used together. The connection between the two is important. First, Self-Love You might know that a lot of people are talking about self-love recently. I have written more about self-love and why… Continue reading Self-Love and Secure Attachment to Ourselves

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, Body Partnership, The Power of Compassion

How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters

I tricked myself with picture filters the other day and caused myself a lot of anxiety in the process. The story is partly funny and partly embarrassing. And it also reminded me of some important lessons pertaining to social media. So here is how I tricked myself. Several months ago, I was taking selfies to… Continue reading How I Accidentally Tricked Myself with Picture Filters

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Kindness

Do You Struggle with Perfectionism?

Do you struggle with perfectionism? If so, I have good news for you. For the next few weeks, I am writing a series of posts on overcoming perfectionism with playfulness. To kick it off, I want to examine the issue of perfectionism more in depth and help you figure out if you are a perfectionist.… Continue reading Do You Struggle with Perfectionism?

What is Good?, The Power of Proper Self-Worth, Enchantment, The Power of Kindness

Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

This post explores whether the common saying "Follow Your Heart" is good advice. Here are some common sayings you might have heard: Follow your heart. If it feels good, do it. Your heart will tell you what to do. Is This Advice Good? Now, if you are like most people in the world, you can… Continue reading Is “Follow Your Heart” Good Advice?

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

Do you live from the inside out or the outside in?  Okay, to be honest, that is not an entirely fair question to ask you at the beginning of this post. I coined the phrases Living from the Inside Out and Living from the Outisde In. And I haven't even told you what they mean… Continue reading Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

Body Partnership, The Power of Proper Self-Worth, Whimsy and Delight

Exercise That Makes Me Feel Like a Magical Unicorn

I have a complicated history with exercise. On the one hand, I loved playing when I was little. My favorite activities were hide-and-go-seek, climbing trees, and roller skating. My mom also enrolled me in a dance aerobics class when I was in high school, and I loved those classes. On the other hand, like most… Continue reading Exercise That Makes Me Feel Like a Magical Unicorn

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love, The Power of Kindness

When We Feel Like We Have No Purpose

Sometimes we feel like we have no purpose, and this is really painful. Human beings need purpose. We need to feel like we have something special that we  share with the world. Given this need, it is understandable why we suffer painful feelings when we think we aren’t good at anything. For example, we may… Continue reading When We Feel Like We Have No Purpose

Body Partnership, The Power of Proper Self-Worth

10 Things to Do When You Feel Disgusting and Need to Remember Your Worth

Someday we feel disgusting and need to feel better. Those days are the worst. When We Feel Bad When we feel disgusting, we often feel like we are inferior or unacceptable in some way, or we feel ashamed of ourselves. Feelings like this are a common part of human experience; but that doesn't make them… Continue reading 10 Things to Do When You Feel Disgusting and Need to Remember Your Worth