Cultivating Resilience Superpowers, The Power of Love

Does Self-Compassion Actually Help Us?

I have been thinking about self-compassion lately and how it can help us tremendously. To illustrate this, let me tell you a brief story about myself. When I was in elementary school, I really had problems organizing myself for some reason. It was probably because I had a lot of big ideas and got stuck… Continue reading Does Self-Compassion Actually Help Us?

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones, The Power of Love, The Power of Hope

Love, Wisdom, and Creativity Seeking YOU

I want to remind you today that Love, Wisdom, and Creativity are seeking you. But first, let me say that I know there are hard, unfair, and scary things in the world. I also want to remind you that there is something stronger than all that. Right now there are people full of love looking… Continue reading Love, Wisdom, and Creativity Seeking YOU

The Power of Love

7 Things I have Learned about Love in the Last Decade

This is Valentine's Day weekend, and my blog is called Love is Stronger. I named my blog this because I think love is one of the most important topics in the world. Gaining a better understanding of it has made a profound difference in my life. So, for these reasons, it seems like a good… Continue reading 7 Things I have Learned about Love in the Last Decade

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

Do you live from the inside out or the outside in?  Okay, to be honest, that is not an entirely fair question to ask you at the beginning of this post. I coined the phrases Living from the Inside Out and Living from the Outisde In. And I haven't even told you what they mean… Continue reading Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?

The Power of Love

Letting Your Light Shine vs. Slave-Driving Yourself

One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves and others is learn to let our light shine, rather than slave-driving ourselves. Let me explain. I want to remind you today that you have permission to make mistakes and fail. You also have permission to feel sad, to take naps, and to take a… Continue reading Letting Your Light Shine vs. Slave-Driving Yourself

The Power of Love, Whimsy and Delight

Month Three and Four of Monkey Bar Hanging: Let Me Tell You a Secret

I have been hanging and playing on monkey bars in my back yard almost every day for the last four months, and I am blogging about it each month. Let me tell you a secret: This is hard; I am still not very good at it; and sometimes I think I will never get anywhere.… Continue reading Month Three and Four of Monkey Bar Hanging: Let Me Tell You a Secret

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love, The Power of Kindness

When We Feel Like We Have No Purpose

Sometimes we feel like we have no purpose, and this is really painful. Human beings need purpose. We need to feel like we have something special that we  share with the world. Given this need, it is understandable why we suffer painful feelings when we think we aren’t good at anything. For example, we may… Continue reading When We Feel Like We Have No Purpose

Body Partnership, The Power of Love, Whimsy and Delight

Month Two of Monkey Bar Hanging

Last month, I started practicing monkey bar hanging for my daily practice for this year. (Last year I practiced deep breathing. You can read about that here.)* To be honest, the first part of the month was a wash. In the first month of my practice (May), I gained a lot of strength very quickly.… Continue reading Month Two of Monkey Bar Hanging

Body Partnership, The Power of Love, Whimsy and Delight

A New Practice and a New Adventure: Month One of Monkey Bar Hanging

Last year, I learned how to breathe. Okay, of course I knew how to breathe before last year. But last year in May, I adopted a specific breathing practice to address some wacky breathing issues I was experiencing. The first month I did my practice, it brought so many benefits to my life that I… Continue reading A New Practice and a New Adventure: Month One of Monkey Bar Hanging

The Power of Love, The Power of Kindness

Gardening as Self-Love: A Guest Post by Ali from The Mindful Gardener

I found my friend Ali's blog The Mindful Gardener over a year ago, and I am so glad I did. Ali is clearly passionate about gardening, and her posts are a feast both for the eye--as she shares her beautiful nature photography--and for the soul--as she includes such gentle wisdom, humor, and kindness in all her… Continue reading Gardening as Self-Love: A Guest Post by Ali from The Mindful Gardener