
I’m excited to announce my first online course, and I am currently offering this course for free.

The course is titled the Four Basic Truths, and it helps you develop a strong emotion and belief foundation with yourself by helping you understand these four basic truths:

You are worthy, capable, connected, and called to adventure.

You can find it here at Thinkific:

The Four Basic Truths

At Love is Stronger, I love helping people believe they are Worthy, Capable, Connected, and Called to Adventure.  This helps them Live from the Inside Out in order to cultivate more confident, joyful, and resilient lives.

You can read more about this here:

Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?


By the way, here are some other writers that have been influential in my life. Maybe you will find them helpful, too!

Bell hooks

Paulo Freire 

Brene Brown

Marianne Williamson

Immanuel Kant

This is one of Kant’s most famous principles. It’s one of my favorites. It helps us remember that  that we are to treat everyone, including ourselves, as possessing intrinsic worth. Understanding this is one way we start Living from the Inside Out.