Whimsical Watercolors, Uncategorized

Embracing Our Age: A Whimsical Watercolor

I have been thinking lately about embracing our age and how we can feel more comfortable doing this.

If you have been following my blog lately, you probably know that I have been letting my hair go silver.

I am really excited about it, but I would be less than honest if I didn’t said that sometimes the changes that aging brings make me anxious and sometime scare me a little bit, too. What scares me the most, I think, is that we can’t look into the future and know what it will be like to age in our bodies and what loss it might bring.

This can be frightening for anyone.

I have learned over the years that it is really important to accept, honor, and even embrace my fear. It allows me to present in each moment–even the scary ones–to show myself compassion, and to understand my day-to-day experience so I know how to live well.

So I acknowledge that I am afraid sometimes of the changes aging brings.

But I have also started to embrace the cool things aging can bring–like more wisdom, more time, more confidence in my own skin (a confidence which often shows up as joy in my face) magical faerie hair, the ability to worry less about what other people think, and skills I have gained and sharpened because I’ve been living a while.

When I think about all that I have gained in the past decade of aging, I realize that there is beauty, wisdom, and magic at every age, and I am ready and eager to embrace it.

I embrace aging (2)


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By the way, if you enjoy whimsical art, you might like the work of Buddha Doodles.

And you might also like more whimsical watercolors on my blog like these ones:

Bigfoot Goes to College

Happy Snail’s Magic Motto

5 thoughts on “Embracing Our Age: A Whimsical Watercolor”

  1. You look gorgeous. You can completely carry that look, and you are giving other people confidence too. I think we all benefit from a more natural portrayal of ourselves, and benefit when someone else decides not to ‘enhance’ themselves. We see their true beauty shining through.

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