16 thoughts on “Four Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough or Successful Enough”

    1. I really appreciate this comment, Donte! That is what I am aiming for–rich, meaningful posts that help people transform their lives in a powerful way. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  1. Reblogged this on Growing Self and commented:
    Once again, Shelly has eloquently written about a topic that I have struggled with my entire life…the feeling of being enough. Am I enough for my family and friends? Was I enough for my parents? Do I work hard enough to allow myself some “me time”? Am I talented enough to share my art and photography, without embarrassing myself? These are all questions that have, at one time or another, weighed heavily on my soul.
    Over the past 10 years, I have worked diligently to love myself and be true to myself. Starting my blog in March of this year allowed me to take a huge step forward in celebrating Me and my journey. Do these questions still knock on my door? Definitely! But, I have a toolbox filled with strength, self confidence and love to battle these inner demons.
    I thank Shelly, from the bottom of my heart for sharing her gifts! Her blog has been a safe guide and beautiful and gentle reminder for me many times. For that I feel blessed and thankful!
    I hope you enjoy Shelly’s gifts as much as I do…
    Love Yourself…Embrace Yourself…Just Be You…

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