Intrinsic Worth, Poetry

Girl. The Interrogation Mark.

Little girls are exclamation marks:

Me! Trees! Legs! Family! Sunlight! Stomach! Ice cream! Happy! Me!

Until they learn…”Beautiful”, “ugly”, “thin”, “fat”,

And then girls become question marks…

Beautiful enough? Thin enough? Sexy enough? Enough? Enough? Enough?

The question becomes a hunger, a feAR, a TERROR of “no”,

And soon we stop finishing our own sentences because

Half-existence is better than “no” existence.

And what would it take to let us find our exclamation marks again?


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7 thoughts on “Girl. The Interrogation Mark.”

  1. 🙁 It makes me so sad all the pressure put on people to look a certain way. Let’s totally straighten out those question marks into exclamation points!

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