Whimsy and Delight

Greetings from My Social Media Break

Greetings from my social media break, Friends!

I am taking a general break from social media until July, but I like staying in touch periodically while I am away. I have been having a really great break resting and working on a lot of fun projects.

In fact, my projects relate to you! I am working on completing my first online course on the intrinsic worth mindset and authentic self-love. I am enjoying writing it so much because I get to share ideas that have been incredibly helpful and empowering to me over the last decade. One of my favorite things to remind you (and myself) of regularly is that you (all of us) are worthy, capable, connected, and called to adventure.

So one of the things I am excited about in my course is that I discuss why these ideas are true. And I also include exercises that help us practice these ideas regularly in our life. That’s how we make them a part of our reality.

In addition, I am working on some projects related to making more of my art available online for purchase. I love doing art, and I love sharing it with people. So I will have more news about that very soon.

In the meantime, here are some pictures from my break:

I’ve been eating a lot of roasted vegetables, berries, and chia seed pudding, which are delicious. I will never get over how beautiful fruits and vegetables are.

And I have been growing silver hair and taking dramatic selfies while my kitty sleeps in the background.

I have been walking in warm temperatures but staying cool.

I have been doing barefoot walks around my neighborhood, but I still have some serious tan lines.

I had a great high mileage walking day the other day. One of those walks was at a different park than I usually walk at. And the ducks there threw some serious shade at me, which is weird because I am BFFs with the ducks at my other park.

I hope you are having a great summer!

Oh, by the way, I have been reading some regency romance books by Georgette Heyer that are awesome. Here is one of my favorites: Arabella. Georgette Heyer reminds me a lot of Jane Austen in her writing style, and Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors.

You might like to read more about my barefoot walking and running adventures here.

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