Back in December, I started walking 10,000 steps a day, and I’m still walking. (You can read more about how I started walking here.)
I’m still walking 10,000 steps a day (and more some days), and it has really changed the way I look at exercise.
While I have been a fairly active person all my life, I have often made exercise far more difficult than it needs to be. It’s something, I used to think, for which I must change into other clothes. And I have always viewed it as something I must do with significant intensity for thirty minutes to an hour, sweating and making my heart beat fast. And if I didn’t check all these boxes, I felt like my exercising didn’t count.
Because of this attitude, exercise often felt like another chore to mark down on my to do list. And it became increasingly easy to skip it when I felt like I didn’t have time.
But when I started trying to walk 10,000 steps a day, my attitude about movement changed.
To get my 10,000 steps in a day, I usually take three to four smaller walks all throughout the day. I often start with an early morning walk and end the day with an evening walk after dinner. My husband joked the other day that I walk from dawn to dusk. Of course, that isn’t exactly true because I am not walking non-stop throughout the day.
But I do walk regularly throughout the day. Walking is an incredibly portable exercise. I can fit it in anywhere I am, and I can walk in whatever clothes I happen to be wearing.
Great job Shelley, I’m having a bit of a challenge right now, I’m nursing my husband through end-stage cancer, so I cannot get outside as much. But I love your story, and one day, when all this is over, I will walk more. It’s not so much about me right now, yet I must practice self-care as well.