Intrinsic Worth

My Two-Year Silver Hair Update

This is my two-year silver hair anniversary update, a little late. Approximately two years ago in January, I decided to let my hair go silver, and I have never looked back.

You can read more about my process here:

I’m Letting My Hair Go Silver

Five Things I’ve Learned from My Silver Hair

The One-Year Anniversary of My Transition to Silver Hair

Here’s how it started.

And here is how it’s going. (And of course, there are more silver hair pictures in the rest of this post.)

Lately I have been thinking about how much more peaceful I feel about myself now than I did in my 20s and 30s.

And a big part of it is that I realize I don’t have to compete with anyone or prove anything.

I used to think there was some external standard of goodness I had to live up to.

But now I realize I have my own unique goodness, and it is my purpose to express that morally in the world. Just like a tree or flower.

And I believe that very same thing about you. You don’t have to compete with anyone or prove anything either.

Your purpose is to express your own unique goodness morally in the world.

By the way, here is a poem I wrote about your unique goodness:

A Poem about You and Your Magic

To be honest, sometimes the process of expressing our own unique goodness feels awkward and uncomfortable. Each of us lives an entirely unique life that no one has ever lived before. So, while there are some general blueprints for how to live our life, there is no complete guide.

And I don’t always like the awkward parts of my life, but I’m grateful for them. I learn a lot.

I am excited what the next year will bring in my life and your life.


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You can find more of my transition photos on Instagram here.

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