Whimsical Watercolors

Social Media Slugs: A Whimsical Watercolor

There has been a recent challenge going around on social media.  Dolly Parton started it, so it is called the Dolly Parton challenge. Here’s the picture that started it all:
dolly parton challenge

She wrote, “Get you a woman who can do it all”. So pretty soon people started following suit and posting four different pictures of themselves or their pets or some such.

Anyhow, I decided to get in on the act. Or rather, the slugs did.

Slugs and Dolly Parton Challenge

Have a great day!


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7 thoughts on “Social Media Slugs: A Whimsical Watercolor”

  1. so cute! These have been fun! I was wondering if there was an app or program that chose and laid it out for you…. too much work otherwise LOL! Yours is ADORBS!

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