What is Just?

How I Started Believing in Santa Claus

I don’t ever remember believing in Santa Claus growing up. There is a recording of me at Christmas when I was three. I opened a present, and when I discovered the doll I had wanted, I exclaimed to my mom, “Oh Faye!” Of course, I usually called her mommy at age three. And I am… Continue reading How I Started Believing in Santa Claus

What is Just?

Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back

I have a confession: In the past, I haven’t liked the season of Advent very much. This is a bummer because I am Christian, and I feel like I should like Advent. I mean, Advent is the time of the year when we anticipate the birth of the Christ Child. This is the Christ who… Continue reading Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back