The Power of Love, Poetry

“The Philosopher’s Stone”: a Poem

This is a poem I wrote several years ago during a period of healing transformation in my life. Although this is a poem about  my life, I  think it is actually a poem about all of our lives: "The Philosopher's Stone" Long after the Ancient Chemist Set aside his trade, I found the Philosopher’s Stone… Continue reading “The Philosopher’s Stone”: a Poem

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones

Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless

Suffering and pain are an inescapable part of the human condition. Given that, sometimes it seems like having a positive outlook is delusional, naïve, or even irresponsible. I have come to believe, however, that having a positive outlook is one of the most helpful things in life. Adopting such an outlook is not naïve or… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless