"Chrysopoeia" You were made to be gold, And are turning even now. All that is base in you Is the foundation for finer things. And every moment, dwelling in love, Your metamorphosis begins. ~Shelly Johnson, 2018 ***** Some more poems: A Poem About You and Your Magic The Philosopher’s Stone Ophelia Awakes
Tag: Alchemy
“The Philosopher’s Stone”: a Poem
This is a poem I wrote several years ago during a period of healing transformation in my life. Although this is a poem about my life, I think it is actually a poem about all of our lives: "The Philosopher's Stone" Long after the Ancient Chemist Set aside his trade, I found the Philosopher’s Stone… Continue reading “The Philosopher’s Stone”: a Poem
Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless
Suffering and pain are an inescapable part of the human condition. Given that, sometimes it seems like having a positive outlook is delusional, naïve, or even irresponsible. I have come to believe, however, that having a positive outlook is one of the most helpful things in life. Adopting such an outlook is not naïve or… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless