Working With Painful Emotions, Body Partnership, Feminism, Poetry, Uncategorized

Girl. The Interrogation Mark.

Little girls are exclamation marks: Me! Trees! Legs! Family! Sunlight! Stomach! Ice cream! Happy! Me! Until they learn..."Beautiful", "ugly", "thin", "fat", And then girls become question marks... Beautiful enough? Thin enough? Sexy enough? Enough? Enough? Enough? The question becomes a hunger, a feAR, a TERROR of "no", And soon we stop finishing our own sentences… Continue reading Girl. The Interrogation Mark.

Body Partnership, Lists of Essential and Inspiring Matters

What to Do When We Hate Our Body

Over 85% of girls and women in America hate or strongly dislike, or even hate, their bodies.[1] This is a statistic I heard years ago, and it greatly troubled me. Why do so many women hate their bodies? I wondered Why can’t we love ourselves? And why does body loathing afflict women so disproportionately? (This… Continue reading What to Do When We Hate Our Body

Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness

Why Your Body is Beautiful Right Now, No Matter What

Your body is beautiful right now, no matter what. Do you believe that? If you are like a lot of people, you probably don't. We are extremely critical of our bodies. If you are in a group of people for any period of time, it is pretty common for people to start criticizing their bodies… Continue reading Why Your Body is Beautiful Right Now, No Matter What