Your dreams are important. You may have a dream that makes you really excited every time you think about it. It's a dream about playfulness and adventure and bringing more love into your life and the lives of people around you. And you may feel sometimes like your dream is silly and impossible and you… Continue reading Why Your Dreams are Important
Tag: Confidence
Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?
Do you live from the inside out or the outside in? Okay, to be honest, that is not an entirely fair question to ask you at the beginning of this post. I coined the phrases Living from the Inside Out and Living from the Outisde In. And I haven't even told you what they mean… Continue reading Do You Live from the Inside Out or Outside In?
If You Feel Second-Rate Today
Somewhere at some point in your life, someone made you feel second-rate. They tried to make you feel like you weren't one of the cool or special people. Or they tried to make you feel like you were ugly or dumb or unfashionable or uncool or ungodly or lazy or impractical or a drag or… Continue reading If You Feel Second-Rate Today
Four Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough or Successful Enough
Sometimes We Feel Like We Are Not Good Enough Comparison. Dejection. Depression. We have all been there before. Sometimes we look at other people’s lives, and we feel less than. For instance, we feel like we are not successful or good enough. This is a painful feeling. And the feeling often snowballs because we receive… Continue reading Four Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough or Successful Enough
How Thinking Loving Thoughts Can Change Your Life
Thinking loving thoughts about yourself can change your life. If you are like a lot of people, you may spend a lot of the day criticizing yourself mentally. For instance, maybe you have a constant stream of thoughts running through your mind that goes something like this: I’m so stupid. Or, I’m fat. What’s wrong… Continue reading How Thinking Loving Thoughts Can Change Your Life
That “I’m Not Good Enough” Feeling and the Compassionate Mindset
Most of us experience a brief and passing feeling at one point or another that we are not good enough. Sometimes, however, the worry that we are not good enough becomes persistent and recurring. It causes anxiety, self-loathing, and chronic low self-confidence. One cause of the "I'm Not Good Enough" feeling is something I call… Continue reading That “I’m Not Good Enough” Feeling and the Compassionate Mindset
Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects
Respecting ourselves is one of the best gifts we can give our mind and heart. This post explores how we can do that. First, a Story . . . When I was younger, I knew a girl who seemed to be a really sweet and friendly person. However, I soon discovered that the only time… Continue reading Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects