Strengthening Your Spirit, The Power of Courage

Receiving Wisdom and Guidance: A Contemplative Practice

Do you need more wisdom and guidance about something in your life? Do you feel confused about the right action or path to take in a certain area of your life? If so, you are not alone. All of us, at one point or another (or at many points), find ourselves in need of wisdom… Continue reading Receiving Wisdom and Guidance: A Contemplative Practice

Contemplative Practices/Intentions and Prayers

A Prayer for Those Who Feel Stuck

Sometimes we feel stuck in our lives, and we don't know what to do next or how to get out of the bad spot we feel we are in. If you are feeling that way today, I wrote this prayer especially for you. And if you don't believe in God or prayer, you can use… Continue reading A Prayer for Those Who Feel Stuck

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones

You Don’t Have to Figure It All Out Now

This morning was one of those mornings in which I worked myself into an anxious stew because I was thinking about everything I had to do and worrying about how I would get it all done. And then I stopped and thought to myself, "Why do I think I have to have everything figured out… Continue reading You Don’t Have to Figure It All Out Now

The Power of Compassion, The Power of Proper Self-Regard

When You Feel Confused

Friend: You have so much creative wisdom inside of you. Sometimes we listen to everyone but ourselves, and that is often because we have problems listening to, or trusting in, the wisdom inside of us. It is okay and good to trust ourselves. When we set an intention to act in love, and we listen… Continue reading When You Feel Confused