The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Kindness

Step Seven: Love-Infused Relationships

This is the seventh post in a series about letting go of perfectionism and control in order to reconnect with Love. You can find links to the other posts in this series at the end of this post. Now we will look at step seven: love-infused relationships. Step #7: I set the intention to infuse… Continue reading Step Seven: Love-Infused Relationships

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Love

Step Six: Releasing Punishment and Control

In this series of posts, I have been writing about how many of us unconsciously struggle with problems of perfectionism and self-hate, and this post is about releasing punishment and control. You can find links to the other posts in the series below.  Step Six: I asked Love to show me how to release the… Continue reading Step Six: Releasing Punishment and Control

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Love

Step Five: Trusting Love

This is the fifth post in a series about recovering from perfectionism and self-hate, and it is is about trusting love. You can find links to the other posts in the series at the end of this post. Step #5: I asked Love to show me how to trust it. One of the most painful… Continue reading Step Five: Trusting Love

The Power of Kindness

Giving Ourselves the Gift of Presence

When we give ourselves the gift of presence, we are with ourselves in all of our moments—our joyful and sorrowful moments, our moments of success and failure, the moments when we love ourselves, and the moments when we feel full of shame. We recognize and accept ourselves in all of our human emotions and experiences.… Continue reading Giving Ourselves the Gift of Presence

The Power of Kindness

Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects

Respecting ourselves is one of the best gifts we can give our mind and heart. This post explores how we can do that. First, a Story . . . When I was younger, I knew a girl who seemed to be a really sweet and friendly person. However, I soon discovered that the only time… Continue reading Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects

How Do We Know What is Just?, The Power of Kindness

Loving Ourselves: The Place We Must Start

This post is about loving ourselves, and why it is the place we must start. A Brief Story about Me For most of my life I have been motivated by the question, "How can I be better?" While I may have had some good motivation behind this question at times, in general I think it… Continue reading Loving Ourselves: The Place We Must Start