Practicting Non-Dualism, Enchantment, Spirituality and Religion

Are Humans Good or Evil by Nature?

Are humans good or evil by nature? First, a Bit of Background At the small liberal arts college where I teach, I teach an introductory course called Foundations. It is a class that teaches freshmen the basics of reading, writing, and critical thinking, but it is also a lot more than that. The class focuses… Continue reading Are Humans Good or Evil by Nature?


For Just One Moment…: A Poem

For just one moment, pause... And stop labeling yourself As fat, thin, short, tall, Ugly, beautiful, Desirable, undesirable. For just one moment, think... About your amazing body And how it carries you every day, And your heart pumps and your lungs breathe, Because your body loves you. For just one minute, refuse... To place yourself… Continue reading For Just One Moment…: A Poem

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones

Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless

Suffering and pain are an inescapable part of the human condition. Given that, sometimes it seems like having a positive outlook is delusional, naïve, or even irresponsible. I have come to believe, however, that having a positive outlook is one of the most helpful things in life. Adopting such an outlook is not naïve or… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless


To the Loving Feminine and Her Allies

There is a lot of toxic aggression in the world right now. I have been thinking about how the loving feminine acts as a balance and healing counter-check to this problem. And so, I wrote a letter to the Loving Feminine and Her Allies.   If you enjoyed this post, please share it with a… Continue reading To the Loving Feminine and Her Allies

The Power of Love

Love is the Oldest and Wisest Thing

Most of spend a great deal of time looking for love. We look for others to love us, and many of us spend a great deal of time figuring out we can better in some way so that we can finally love ourselves. I think it often feels like it is difficult to find love… Continue reading Love is the Oldest and Wisest Thing

The Power of Proper Self-Worth

Stop Forcing; Start Flowing

It's okay to stop forcing and start flowing. You may be having a really hard day today because you try so hard, and it feels like nothing is appening. For instance, you may be trying so hard to reach a goal. Or you may be working so hard to fight a bad habit that you… Continue reading Stop Forcing; Start Flowing

The Power of Kindness

A Letter to You on Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day, and you might be feeling particularly crummy. If you are, this letter is especially for you. But even if you are not, this letter is still for you. There is a lot of pressure on Valentine's Day to have or to be the perfect partner and to have a perfect life… Continue reading A Letter to You on Valentine’s Day

How Do We Know What is Just?

How I Started Believing in Santa Claus

I don’t ever remember believing in Santa Claus growing up. There is a recording of me at Christmas when I was three. I opened a present, and when I discovered the doll I had wanted, I exclaimed to my mom, “Oh Faye!” Of course, I usually called her mommy at age three. And I am… Continue reading How I Started Believing in Santa Claus

The Power of Love

The Politics of Force and the Strange Work of Love

Our current politics trouble me profoundly, and I have not always been able to articulate why. Recently, I have been reading a book called Love, Power, and Justice by the German theologian Paul Tillich. This book has helped me to articulate my fear while also helping me construct a vision for our shared political life.… Continue reading The Politics of Force and the Strange Work of Love

How Do We Know What is Just?

Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back

I have a confession: In the past, I haven’t liked the season of Advent very much. This is a bummer because I am Christian, and I feel like I should like Advent. I mean, Advent is the time of the year when we anticipate the birth of the Christ Child. This is the Christ who… Continue reading Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back