Working With Painful Emotions, Dealing with Low Self-Worth

What to Do When You Feel Anxious

This post discusses how you can use your imagination to help yourself when you feel anxious. Imagine I would like you to imagine that you are walking in the woods, and you come to a stream. The water is low, and you want to cross to the other side. Luckily for you, there is a… Continue reading What to Do When You Feel Anxious

Working With Painful Emotions, Self-compassion, Practices for Cultivating Love

Mindfulness Meditation for Peace and Relaxation

I sometimes struggle with anxiety, and when I do, I often find that thinking certain loving thoughts and looking at colors relaxes me. So, I created this picture flow to share some of the ideas that help me the most. Maybe if you are feeling anxious, it will help you, too. There is a safe… Continue reading Mindfulness Meditation for Peace and Relaxation

Working With Painful Emotions, Self-compassion, Lists of Essential and Inspiring Matters, Dealing with Low Self-Worth, Uncategorized

Five Reasons You Don’t Have to Worry About What People Think

We worry a lot about what people think of us. We worry what they think about our fashion choices, our looks, the things we say, our level of success, and our particular interests or hobbies. Even the philosopher Heidegger speaks of The They[1]—the amorphous, ambiguous atmosphere of other people’s judgments. We end up living in… Continue reading Five Reasons You Don’t Have to Worry About What People Think

Lists of Essential and Inspiring Matters, Dealing with Low Self-Worth, Uncategorized, Practices for Cultivating Love

When Your Day is Horrible, and You Hate Everything

Sometimes your day is horrible, and you hate everything. Why Does This Happen? We might wake up feeling awful and miserable, and we have no idea why. Sometimes, on the other hand, we know exactly why we hate everything , but we still do not have any idea what to do about it. All of… Continue reading When Your Day is Horrible, and You Hate Everything

Working With Painful Emotions, What is Just?, Lists of Essential and Inspiring Matters, Dealing with Low Self-Worth

Five Things the President Taught Me

The President taught me five really important things. First, this was me after the 2016 election. Also me. It got really bad in late January and February.  I started doing things like this. And this. I turned into a churning stew of anxiety, anger, fear, and melancholy. I wanted to do something. To change something.… Continue reading Five Things the President Taught Me