Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness, Whimsy and Delight, Uncategorized

Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

I believe in the power of self-love, but I also believe that self-love is quite different from how many people think of it. People often think that self-love is going on shopping trips, getting manis and pedis, and treating one's self to chocolate and other delectable delights. And certainly these things can play a role… Continue reading Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

Whimsy and Delight

Our Backyard Has Become a Nature Sanctuary

Recently, our backyard has become a nature sanctuary. My husband and I live in the suburbs, close to downtown. There are some things about my neighborhood that aren't always ideal. For instance, sometimes our neighborhood can be a little noisy and wild. But one thing I love about my house is that we have a… Continue reading Our Backyard Has Become a Nature Sanctuary

Whimsical Watercolors

Zen Garden Bunny–A Whimsical Watercolor

This summer, we have a bunny who comes and hangs out in our back yard all the time.  He likes to come in the morning especially and explore different places in our yard. The other morning, I looked out the window, and he was sitting right in the middle of our wildflower garden looking as… Continue reading Zen Garden Bunny–A Whimsical Watercolor

Self-Love and Self-Directed Kindness, Practices for Cultivating Love

Gardening as Self-Love: A Guest Post by Ali from The Mindful Gardener

I found my friend Ali's blog The Mindful Gardener over a year ago, and I am so glad I did. Ali is clearly passionate about gardening, and her posts are a feast both for the eye--as she shares her beautiful nature photography--and for the soul--as she includes such gentle wisdom, humor, and kindness in all her… Continue reading Gardening as Self-Love: A Guest Post by Ali from The Mindful Gardener

Whimsical Watercolors

The Bunny and a Cardinal: A Whimsical Watercolor

I have a wild bunny that visits my back yard regularly. The other day, she was by my flower garden and a cardinal was perched on one of flower stems. This morning I decided to paint the scene, which looked a little like this. I am continually amazed at the gifts that nature brings us:… Continue reading The Bunny and a Cardinal: A Whimsical Watercolor