This week on my blog, I am sharing some reading and study guides for Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. This book helped me better understand oppression and racism. It has also helped me to better understand how I can co-labor with the oppressed to create a world that is more humane for everyone. I… Continue reading Chapter Two: Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Tag: Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed–Chapter One
This post is a guide for reading chapter one of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Some Background on Freire If you have read my blog for a while or have looked at my author's bio, you may know that the Brazilian philosopher and educator Paulo Freire has a great influence on my thought and… Continue reading Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed–Chapter One
Why I Started My Blog
I began this blog, Love is Stronger, because of something I discovered in graduate school. During that time, I spent a lot of time researching and writing about a Brazilian educator named Paulo Freire. Studying his life and work had a profound influence on me. Hunger and Poverty Freire was born in 1921 in Recife,… Continue reading Why I Started My Blog
A Cure for Self-Loathing: Love-Centered Praxis
In my last blog post, I argued that many people in the United States suffer with personal and political self-loathing. In this post, I want to explore love-centered praxis, which I believe is a solution to this problem. We Measure People by Productivity Rather than valuing people simply because they are people, American society often… Continue reading A Cure for Self-Loathing: Love-Centered Praxis
Teaching My Students to Be Maladjusted
This is my twenty-second year of teaching, and I think I may have finally figured out what I am doing: I'm teaching my students to be maladjusted. Many years ago in my student teaching, I was taking an educational philosophy course. The defining question of this class was “What is the purpose of teaching?” Student… Continue reading Teaching My Students to Be Maladjusted
The Politics of Force and the Strange Work of Love
Our current politics trouble me profoundly, and I have not always been able to articulate why. Recently, I have been reading a book called Love, Power, and Justice by the German theologian Paul Tillich. This book has helped me to articulate my fear while also helping me construct a vision for our shared political life.… Continue reading The Politics of Force and the Strange Work of Love