Intrinsic Worth

The Greatest Gift My Dad Gave Me

It's Father's Day, and I want to write about the greatest gift my dad has given me. To tell you about this, I need to tell you a little bit about my job. About Philosophy If you have been following my blog for a while or have read my author’s bio, you are probably aware… Continue reading The Greatest Gift My Dad Gave Me

Philosophy is for Everyone

How to Spot Ad Hominem Fallacies

This post is about the fallacy of ad hominem and is the third post in a series about learning to think well. You might like to read the first two posts here: What Does It Mean to Think Well, and Why Is It Hard Sometimes? Why Thinking Well is Worth It The first argument pitfall… Continue reading How to Spot Ad Hominem Fallacies

How Do We Know What Is True?

Mad Scientists and the Ship of Theseus: Philosophy Games

Over Thanksgiving, I got to spend some time with my nephews, and I ended up having a philosophy conversation with my preteen nephew, J, about mad scientists, identity, and the ship of Theseus. I used to be a middle and high school teacher and have always loved preteens and teenagers. I find that when they… Continue reading Mad Scientists and the Ship of Theseus: Philosophy Games

How Do We Know What is Just?

Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back

I have a confession: In the past, I haven’t liked the season of Advent very much. This is a bummer because I am Christian, and I feel like I should like Advent. I mean, Advent is the time of the year when we anticipate the birth of the Christ Child. This is the Christ who… Continue reading Rene Girard, Donald Trump, and How I Got My Advent Groove Back

The Power of Kindness

Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects

Respecting ourselves is one of the best gifts we can give our mind and heart. This post explores how we can do that. First, a Story . . . When I was younger, I knew a girl who seemed to be a really sweet and friendly person. However, I soon discovered that the only time… Continue reading Respecting Ourselves: Treating Ourselves as People and Not Objects

How Do We Know What is Just?, The Power of Kindness

Loving Ourselves: The Place We Must Start

This post is about loving ourselves, and why it is the place we must start. A Brief Story about Me For most of my life I have been motivated by the question, "How can I be better?" While I may have had some good motivation behind this question at times, in general I think it… Continue reading Loving Ourselves: The Place We Must Start