What is Just?

Just, Loving, and Compassionate World: A Whimsical Watercolor

I have been setting an intention to approach politics from a place of love rather than fear. The Buddha says, Whatever is positive, what benefits others, what conduces to kindness or peace of mind, those states of mind lead to progress; give them full attention. Whatever is negative, whatever is self-centered, what feeds malicious thoughts… Continue reading Just, Loving, and Compassionate World: A Whimsical Watercolor

Working With Painful Emotions, Peaceful Thoughts and Affirmations, What is Just?, Uncategorized

Affirmations When You Feel Politically Overwhelmed

Most of us feel overwhelmed by politics sometimes. Here are ten affirmations you can use when you feel that way. One: I take politics and democratic engagement one day at a time. You aren't required to solve all the problems of the world today. So take it one day at a time. You will figure… Continue reading Affirmations When You Feel Politically Overwhelmed