Working With Painful Emotions, What is Just?, Lists of Essential and Inspiring Matters, Dealing with Low Self-Worth

Five Things the President Taught Me

The President taught me five really important things. First, this was me after the 2016 election. Also me. It got really bad in late January and February.  I started doing things like this. And this. I turned into a churning stew of anxiety, anger, fear, and melancholy. I wanted to do something. To change something.… Continue reading Five Things the President Taught Me

What is Just?

Politically Appalled and Emotionally Overwhelmed

I have felt appalled and overwhelmed lately. I think you probably have, too. We are in one of the most politically tumultuous periods in recent history, and it can be completely overwhelming.   Most days when I read the news, I will admit that my first reaction is generally, “What fresh hell is this?”[1] (I’ve… Continue reading Politically Appalled and Emotionally Overwhelmed