Contemplative Practices/Intentions and Prayers

Intention or Prayer for Growing in Light and Wisdom

Here is a Sunday intention or prayer for cultivating your light and wisdom. I have addressed this prayer to "Divine Love" because one of the most common ideas in all religions is that God is Love and that Love is God's defining quality. Therefore, I hope this prayer is helpful to people of all faiths… Continue reading Intention or Prayer for Growing in Light and Wisdom

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones

Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless

Suffering and pain are an inescapable part of the human condition. Given that, sometimes it seems like having a positive outlook is delusional, naïve, or even irresponsible. I have come to believe, however, that having a positive outlook is one of the most helpful things in life. Adopting such an outlook is not naïve or… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Emotions in a Loving Way: 10 Things to Remember When You Feel Hopeless