What is Just?

Should White People Feel Ashamed of White Privilege?

This post is about whether white people should feel ashamed of white privilege. To help us explore this question, I am going to describe three different scenarios to you. I would ask you to use your imagination to put yourself fully into each of them. Scenario #1: The Kentucky-Tennessee 10K Race.  Imagine that you are… Continue reading Should White People Feel Ashamed of White Privilege?

What is Just?

The Candace Owens Video and Systemic Racism

If you have been watching the news and following the discourse on the recent protests, you may have run across a Candace Owens video going around. It has raised a lot of questions about systemic racism. Who is Candace Owens? Candace Owens is a conservative black woman who has recently gained press and social media… Continue reading The Candace Owens Video and Systemic Racism

Connected, What is Just?

About Oppression and White Privilege

Recently, there have been a lot of cultural discussions about issues like oppression and white privilege. This post aims at clarifying some of those key concepts. Where We Are In the past few decades, the United States has made excellent strides in promoting civil rights, especially for People of Color and other minority groups. We… Continue reading About Oppression and White Privilege

What is Just?

What I Didn’t Understand About Racism

This post is about how I became aware of cultural, systemic, and structural racism and how I changed my life because of it. Ignorance is…Ignorance When I was growing up, I learned about the Civil War and about the abolition of slavery. At the time, I thought that racism was a thing of the past.… Continue reading What I Didn’t Understand About Racism