Contemplative Practices/Intentions and Prayers

An Intention or Prayer for the Wounded Self

This is an intention or prayer for those times when we feel stuck in bad habits. These habits come from something I call the Wounded Self, and all of us get stuck in our Wounded Self sometimes. And when we do, we act out of fear, rage, hopelessness, and addictions because we are just trying… Continue reading An Intention or Prayer for the Wounded Self

Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones, The Power of Proper Self-Regard

Step Two: Understanding Our Worth

This post is about understanding our worth. It is the second post in a series about reconnecting with love, remembering our intrinsic worth, and letting go of self-hate. You can read the first post here: Step One: Recognizing Self-Hate In my last post, I suggested that many people have a difficult time loving themselves because… Continue reading Step Two: Understanding Our Worth