Enchantment, The Power of Kindness

Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

I believe in the power of self-love, but I also believe that self-love is quite different from how many people think of it. People often think that self-love is going on shopping trips, getting manis and pedis, and treating one's self to chocolate and other delectable delights. And certainly these things can play a role… Continue reading Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

The Power of Love

7 Things I have Learned about Love in the Last Decade

This is Valentine's Day weekend, and my blog is called Love is Stronger. I named my blog this because I think love is one of the most important topics in the world. Gaining a better understanding of it has made a profound difference in my life. So, for these reasons, it seems like a good… Continue reading 7 Things I have Learned about Love in the Last Decade

The Power of Love

Letting Your Light Shine vs. Slave-Driving Yourself

One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves and others is learn to let our light shine, rather than slave-driving ourselves. Let me explain. I want to remind you today that you have permission to make mistakes and fail. You also have permission to feel sad, to take naps, and to take a… Continue reading Letting Your Light Shine vs. Slave-Driving Yourself

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Compassion, The Power of Kindness

Affirmations for People Who Hate Affirmations

This post is about affirmations for people who hate affirmation. And I can understand why people sometimes hate affirmations, because I used to hate them, too. Affirmations are a tool a lot of people use to boost their confidence and peace. And I've known this for a while. But for many years I was highly… Continue reading Affirmations for People Who Hate Affirmations

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Courage, The Power of Love

Why Self-Love is Different from Shopping Trips and Pedicures

Authentic self-love is essential for our personal well-being, but it is often misunderstood. Misconceptions One common misconception of self-love is that it is the same as selfishness and narcissism. I have written more about why it is neither of these things here and here. Another common misconception about self-love is that it is primarily about  showering… Continue reading Why Self-Love is Different from Shopping Trips and Pedicures

The Power of Kindness

If You Feel Second-Rate Today

Somewhere at some point in your life, someone made you feel second-rate. They tried to make you feel like you weren't one of the cool or special people. Or they tried to make you feel like you were ugly or dumb or unfashionable or uncool or ungodly or lazy or impractical or a drag or… Continue reading If You Feel Second-Rate Today

The Power of Proper Self-Worth, The Power of Love

Step Five: Trusting Love

This is the fifth post in a series about recovering from perfectionism and self-hate, and it is is about trusting love. You can find links to the other posts in the series at the end of this post. Step #5: I asked Love to show me how to trust it. One of the most painful… Continue reading Step Five: Trusting Love

The Power of Kindness

How I Survived Curly Hair and Stopped Hating Jennifer Aniston

First of all, I definitely have curly hair, but I didn't really hate Jennifer Aniston. We just had a bit of a falling out, but I will get to that in a minute. What I want to talk about first is how I survived curly hair, which is no easy task. I have always had… Continue reading How I Survived Curly Hair and Stopped Hating Jennifer Aniston

Body Partnership, The Power of Kindness

Healing Our Hearts Through Kindness

We can heal our hearts through kindness. And learning to do so is really important. Life can be painful and traumatic, and we all carry wounds in our hearts from difficult situations, relationships, and events in our life. These wounds can make it difficult for us to feel confident,  to bounce back from difficult times,… Continue reading Healing Our Hearts Through Kindness