Recently, I have developed a new contemplative practice I call Butterfly Meditating. I have a wildflower garden in my back yard, and when it is in full bloom, it attracts a lot of butterflies. All of the photos in this post are taken by me at home or on a walk. I get really excited… Continue reading Butterfly Meditating: A Contemplative Practice
Tag: Spirituality
Labyrinth Walking: A Contemplative Practice
I have been building and walking labyrinths the last couple of weeks, and I love it. Spiral art, and I take labyrinths to be a type of spiral art, have long been a part of contemplative practice for both non-religious and religious people. I first started noticing spirals when I was researching art and culture… Continue reading Labyrinth Walking: A Contemplative Practice
Contemplative Practices: A Post for Everyone
One of the most loving and powerful things we can do for ourselves is develop consistent contemplative practices. The phrase contemplative practice may sounds religious or mystical to you. And it can be both of these things, but don't worry. Even if you are not religious and do not practice any faith, contemplative practices are… Continue reading Contemplative Practices: A Post for Everyone
An Intention or Prayer for Mindfulness
In case you are struggling with worry and rumination today, here is an intention or prayer to help you during this difficult time. You can read this silently or out loud to yourself as centering intention to help bring you back to the present moment. If you would like to turn it into a prayer,… Continue reading An Intention or Prayer for Mindfulness
Prayer: When We Believe and When We Don’t
I have long been fascinated by prayer. One reason for this, of course, is because prayer has been an important part of my life in one form or another since I was young. But I am also interested in prayer for another reason. Over the years, I have heard stories of people who didn’t really… Continue reading Prayer: When We Believe and When We Don’t
Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection
I have had zombies on the brain recently. That is because I am teaching a philosophy of zombies class this summer at a local college. I have really enjoyed planning the class. Philosophers have long been fascinated with zombies because the zombie phenomenon tells us interesting things about the connection between our mind and body.… Continue reading Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection
Step Five: Trusting Love
This is the fifth post in a series about recovering from perfectionism and self-hate, and it is is about trusting love. You can find links to the other posts in the series at the end of this post. Step #5: I asked Love to show me how to trust it. One of the most painful… Continue reading Step Five: Trusting Love
Why You Should Listen to Your Dreams
Sometimes we may feel like listening to our dreams is a waste of time. But that's not true. On the contrary, listening to our dreams is a wonderful use of time. Our dreams are often a more robust, loving version of ourselves inviting us to be more fully alive. Such activity is a wonderful use… Continue reading Why You Should Listen to Your Dreams
A Reflection on Weird Things I Once Believed: A Poem
This is about weird things I once believed. I once told God, "I think I have you all figured out." And God in his great love for me said, "Hold my beer." It was the worst And the best day of my life. ~Shelly Johnson