What is Just?

Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection

I have had zombies on the brain recently. That is because I am teaching a philosophy of zombies class this summer at a local college. I have really enjoyed planning the class. Philosophers have long been fascinated with zombies because the zombie phenomenon tells us interesting things about the connection between our mind and body.… Continue reading Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection

Self-compassion, Working With Painful Emotions, Uncategorized

Step Three: Rediscovering the Wise Self

This post is about rediscovering the Wise Self. It is the third post in a series of posts titled "Seven Steps to Love." You can read the first post here: Step One: Steps to Love Step #3: I realized I needed to return to Love, in which I rediscover my Wise Self. One we have… Continue reading Step Three: Rediscovering the Wise Self

Self-compassion, What is Just?

Is Love Enough?

There is Something Powerful About Love The Beatles wrote "All You Need is Love." St. Augustine wrote "Love God and do whatever you please." Jesus said, in Matthew 22:37 that the two greatest commands are “to love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” Zen Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh… Continue reading Is Love Enough?