Enchantment, The Power of Kindness

Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

I believe in the power of self-love, but I also believe that self-love is quite different from how many people think of it. People often think that self-love is going on shopping trips, getting manis and pedis, and treating one's self to chocolate and other delectable delights. And certainly these things can play a role… Continue reading Three Awesome Gifts I Have Given Myself in the Last Decade

Intrinsic Worth

Is Believing We are Worthy a Good Idea?

Do you believe you are worthy right now, just as you are? If you are like a lot of people, you may not be sure what that means. On the other hand, you may have some idea what believing you are worthy means, but it may sound dangerous to you. You may feel like such… Continue reading Is Believing We are Worthy a Good Idea?