Handling Painful Emotions/Cultivating Positive Ones

On Our Violence: How to Not Be a Zombie

This post is about violence and zombies. But first things first.  I submit two propositions for your consideration: 1) We become who we imitate. 2) And we can’t help but imitate. If someone had suggested these propositions to me a few years ago, I would have believed the first proposition but not the second. Considering… Continue reading On Our Violence: How to Not Be a Zombie

What is Just?

Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection

I have had zombies on the brain recently. That is because I am teaching a philosophy of zombies class this summer at a local college. I have really enjoyed planning the class. Philosophers have long been fascinated with zombies because the zombie phenomenon tells us interesting things about the connection between our mind and body.… Continue reading Zombies, Imitation and Apocalypse, and the Resurrection