Dear Friend: Most of us have really painful feelings sometimes that tell us that we are worthless.
I want to remind you that there is nobody else like you on the planet, and you bring a unique light into the world. The Universe adores your light, because your light comes from it, and it adores you. We need you.
We shine our light best when we set an intention to act in love for our good and the good of the whole world. (And of course we need to listen to others and care about them in order to understand what is good for both us and them.)
Let your light shine, Darling.
Published by shellypruittjohnson
My name is Shelly Johnson, and I am a writer and philosopher with a Ph.D. in philosophy. One of my primary personal and philosophical interests is how we can learn to love ourselves and each other better in order to cultivate personal and political resilience. I teach ethics and a variety of other courses at a local college. I am the author of the blog Love is Stronger. I am also the author of three logic and critical thinking books for high school and middle school: _Argument Builder_, _Discovery of Deduction_ (co-author), and _Everyday Debate_, published by Classical Academic Press. You can reach me at
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Just beautiful! Shine on!
Thank you so much, Roda! I will. You, too, Love. So grateful for you.